School Clubs |
League Matches have started and the team are competing at Laurel Hill Sports Zone. In total we will play 12 matches over three afternoons. Our first 4 matches were against Pond Park, Academy, Ballymacash and Lisburn United. We lost 3 and drew 1. The inexperienced team, made up of players from P5-P7, showed great competitive and team spirit. We enjoyed the afternoon and are looking forward to the next set of matches. Thanks to Callum's dad and Allister's Granda for coming to support us.
The netball club meets on a Wednesday afternoon. The girls compete in the local league and tournaments. They have recently received a new kit and look swell.
Football Club
5-A-Side Tournament
On Friday 20th January, Tonagh set two teams to the Lisnagarvey High School 5-A-Side Tournament. Both teams played very well with Tonagh A reaching the quarter finals.
Good News Club
Good News Club meets each Tuesday afternoon. Both boys and girls from P4 - P7 come along and enjoy games, quizzes, singing and Bible stories. We even have snacks some weeks! Come and join in the fun!
Choir meets on a Tuesday afternoon. The girls and boys work very hard all year round preforming at many events and competitions in the city.