Curriculum |
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Our aim is to provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum that meets the needs and interests of the children under our care.
Continuity and progression are emphasised to ensure the curriculum is delivered in a way that caters for the spiritual, moral, intellectual, cultural and physical development of each child.
A variety of teaching and learning approaches will be used to help pupils acquire competence in the basic subjects, and also arouse their curiosity and challenge them to explore the world around them.
The development of self-confidence, self-esteem and consideration for others will be catered for, and pupils’ abilities will be matched to the work they do and to their needs.
The details of the curriculum taught in each class are available for inspection in the school.
Northern Ireland Revised Curriculum (Areas and Key Stages)
Stage Years
Foundation Stage Primary 1, Primary 2
Key Stage I Primary 3 and Primary 4
Key Stage II Primary 5, Primary 6 and Primary 7
Revised Curriculum
The Arts | Communication |
Language and Literacy | Managing Information |
Maths and Numeracy | Working with others |
Personal Development and | Using Maths |
Mutual Understanding | Thinking/Problem Solving/Decision Making |
Physical Education | Using ICT |
The World Around Us | Being Creative |
Built in to the Curriculum are the areas of Assessment for Learning, Learning Experiences and Fostering Attitudes and Dispositions.
The staff have all received training in various aspects of the Revised Curriculum and it is already well embedded within school.
This information has been cascaded to the entire teaching staff in order that continuity is ensured. The school has already completed an extensive audit and is well placed to initiate the various strands inherent in the Revised Curriculum.
Built in to the Curriculum are the areas of Assessment for Learning, Learning Experiences and Fostering attitudes and Dispositions.
The pupils’ involvement in the work and activities associated with the areas of learning will give them the opportunity to acquire a wide range of skills, concepts and knowledge.
Thematic and subject orientated approaches to teaching and learning will be related to situations that children experience at home, school and in the wider community.
Individual differences will be catered for and pupils’ learning experiences will be arranged to suit their abilities. Different approaches to the same learning situation will be used to help pupils master concepts. Pupils with special educational needs will work in small groups with class teachers or on individual programmes of work. These pupils may also have additional help provided by the Special Educational Needs’ Team or by their class teacher.
These individual education programmes will be tailored to each child by our Special Educational Needs’ Co-ordinator and Special Needs’ teachers. Regular monitoring of pupils’ progress is very important. Home school links and parental consultations occur regularly.
Regular staff meetings, Key Stage meetings and periods set aside for areas of learning co-ordinators to meet and exchange ideas will ensure continuity and progression within the Key Stages, and from one Key Stage to the next. The links between the curricular areas will be emphasised and the curriculum will be viewed as a whole and not merely as its separate parts.
Classes, in general, are formed by putting together pupils of mixed ability in each class. Internally, classes are organised in groups (ability groups, mixed ability groups, peer and random groups). This helps teachers and pupils to work more effectively and efficiently.
Assessments will be carried out on a regular basis to monitor pupils’ progress in the relevant areas. Methods used will include continuous observation, class assessments set by teachers, and other procedures that adhere to legislation as stated by the Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment (C.C.E.A.), in addition to Standardised Tests. Indeed, assessment is an integral part of the profiling of children as they progress through school.
Parents will be invited for interview twice each year. This provides an opportunity to discuss the progress made by each child on a one to one basis.
In addition, if problems are identified by parents or teachers, we strive to meet as soon as is practicable and work as a team to find the most suitable solution regarding any areas causing concern
An end of year report is sent home in June. Pupils in Primary 4 and Primary 7 will also receive results of end of Key Stage Assessments.
Tonagh Primary School is a Health Promoting School. At present we:-
1. Provide water bottles for each pupil;
2. Promote healthy eating through curriculum content and our Breakfast Club;
3. Offer extra-curricular football, hockey, netball and cookery clubs;
4. Operate a healthy tuck shop policy;
5. Invite the Life Education Centre and other outside agencies into school, all of which encourage healthy living;
6. Promote personal development, self-esteem and decision-making skills through the Save Our Smiles programme as part of the Revised Curriculum
This is an ongoing process and we would encourage parents to support our health programme.