Dear Parent/Carer,
Term 2 is already well underway and the children have settled back in to school life after the Christmas holidays. School life continues to be full and varied. Our learning is not just in the classroom. The children have been out and about, developing many skills through real life experiences. We are particularly excited by our Eco-Schools activities now that we have attained our Green Flag and our Forest School lessons have really taken off too. Work is well underway in our Sensory Garden and it won't be long before the children are able to enjoy this experience too.
This is the time of year when prospective parents make choices for Nursery and Primary 1 places for September 2025. We had a very successful open morning before Christmas but if you know of anyone who missed out, please encourage them to ring school and organise a visit.
We are delighted to be able to inform parents that from September 2025, our Nursery will be full time which will enhance the children's learning opportunities greatly.
This website gives a flavour of school life but you will get regular updates about school life through our Facebook page. Please be sure to give us a "like".
If you are visiting our website and would like a copy of our school prospectus, please phone 02892664491 or email
A busy term lies ahead and we are excited to see what it will bring.
We look forward to continuing to work closely together to make the best educational experiences possible for your children.
As we always say, "The future begins here..."
Alison Stevenson
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